Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Omelet

I was wanting something a bit more substantial for breakfast this morning. Omelets usually do the trick.
 photo sundayomelet.jpg
This beauty comes in at 325 calories and that's including the sweet potato toast with a cream cheese and yogurt spread on it. Carbs-15g Fat-18g Protein-22g Sodium-526mg Sugar-5g. Veggies dominate in this omelet with 2tbsp Mexican mix cheese inside and 2 tsp crumbled feta on top. Because of the sodium content I only used .8 oz of leftover ham from Thanksgiving. Just enough to add the ham flavor. A layer of spinach went right on top of the beat egg in the skillet. This gives my omelet a little more strength for folding, which it clearly needs to hold the rest of my onions, bell pepper, tomato and mushroom bits. I could have added a dollop of non-fat plain Greek yogurt to the top, but I was ready to eat when I got it to my plate. ☺

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