Saturday, November 26, 2016

Get this rolling

  You don't have to join a private gym to get fit. You just have to make a fitness plan and then stick to it. Something that I have found that has helped me enormously is My Fitness Pal ( You aren't required to join the community if you don't want to, and I haven't. The only other person that can see my posts is my daughter. I also have this app on my phone which syncs with my pc. It has really helped to be able to log everything I eat and has put portions in perspective. Then add to the an exercise program and you're on your way.
  I live in a small town so there is no gym that isn't at least a 30 to 45 minute drive away. This is just not appealing to me as something to do every day. When I started my recent fitness journey a couple months ago the weather was still nice. My main activity was a 5 mile bike ride in town around the outer roads with a Main street loop in the middle. A great app for this is Map My Ride ( that syncs with My Fitness Pal. If you prefer to walk there is also Map My Walk (
  I also have a couple of videos that I bought several years ago. They're a bit "cheesy" from the guy that brought you "Buns of Steel" but I like them because when I was the most out of shape I could actually do these. One of them is "Easy Stretch". I like to do this one after my cardio workout - bike ride or 30 min on the treadmill. It's a little under a 30 minute routine and increases mobility. The other is "Easy Aerobics" and is a low impact aerobics workout. This one I do after my strength/weight training. I alternate these sets daily. The picture below is in my studio where I do my video workouts.

My treadmill and home gym are in the basement. I also have a recumbent but it isn't working at the moment.

You don't have to have a treadmill or home gym to get in shape though. You can purchase resistance bands that are just as effective. The whole trick to it is to set up a routine, adjust your diet and then stick to it.
   Adjusting your diet doesn't mean you need to starve yourself. Cutting carbs and fat help a lot. Here was my supper tonight, a full plate...
That's a turkey burger with ketchup, mustard, onion, lettuce, tomato and topped with feta cheese. My sides are grilled cauliflower and asparagus with "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray. Tasty and filling. It does help that I REALLY like vegetables.
  I plan on posting more on food, my exercises are pretty routine so I'll post anything that I might do different. Like today, I walked downtown where I met up with my granddaughter and she walked back home with me. That was an 18 minute walk. Got to utilize my new pedometer.

  So, till next time... Kansas! Lets Get Fit!!!

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